I was supposed to host a block on the Hambones NYE extravaganza, but circumstances unfortunately didn’t allow. I was able to at least pop on for a quick set, which can be seen here:
New Single Out 12/31!
My new single, New You (Single Edit) will be released upon the world on 12/31. New You is an aptly titled number that brings my sound “back to basics,” with just vocals, guitar, bass and drums. It’s straight-forward and it ROCKS. It will be available on all the digital platforms for purchase or streaming.

TRML Live 11/30/21
It’s been a few weeks but I did a live set on the Hambones Open Mic last night. Finally got the sound right on Disappearing Daughter so the guitar was actually audible. I also did Queen Bitch for the Lightning Round.
New Video!
It’s been a while, but check out my new Youtube video! It’s a cover of Science Fiction / double Feature from Rocky Horror!
TRML Live 10/26/21
Check out my set and lightning round song from last night’s Halloween Hambone’s Open Mic! I did Shirley.EXE since it graced us with its presence earlier in the evening, as well as a cover of Science Fiction/Double Feature from rocky Horror Picture Show!
Look Who We Have Here…
Look who joined us tonight on the Hambones Open Mic! It’s our (in)famous robotic co-worker, Shirley.EXE!
Special props to Wes Mason for making the costume and doing a robotic voice for most of the evening!

TRML Live 10/12/21
My set and lightning round from last night’s Hambones open mic. No new songs this week, but had a blast playing some faves.
TRML Live 9/28/21
My set and last encore from last night’s Hambones Open Mic. The solo on Panic Alterations was rough, but otherwise I think the song is coming along. The encore of Synthetic Man was a banger, tho!